There has been numorious late requests to sign up for the CSA in’11. Many are just finding out about us via media exposure; so after crunching the numbers , our feeling is that we can still add a limited amount of members for the 20 week program & are extending the sign up deadline till April 30th. If there are any questions, please respond here at our sight.
As far as weather.. it has been a slow spring thus far; however, on the nice days like yesterday the CSA volunteers have been eager to embrace, making great progress while also inspiring this farmer about the up & coming season of growth & harvest. Our new fruit trees came in as well yesterday, so along with planting these young marvels, we weeded & mulched a strawberry patch, planted a field of lettuce; as well, before the sun set transplanted Kohlrabi out in the field. Not bad for a days labor. 🙂