Fall is upon us: The days are shortening and the cool of the evening is evident, apples & cider are on the mind. Yes, fall is upon us there is still much to do and offer to you all here on the farm. Fall Greens & Winter Squashes are now available, we have a good supply of apples and potatoes, onions, and this year it looks like we’ll have a nice selection of root crops into November. Watch for updates, with the farm markets closing the second Saturday in November, we’ll still be selling at our farm in the barn on Thursdays from 2-5pm starting in November. OurFarm is Located 4mi North of Greensburg right off Rt 66 just across from Mary”s Tastyland. So come out & pay us a visit!
The volunteers of the CSA have been a great help on the farm and in distribution; harvesting ,washing & packing their weekly share of produce. They even have helped in some of the mulching this season! As the farmer, I have been aiding & encouraging all of them, while there has been little time to rest between cultivation, preparing new beds for planting and machinery maintenance, and of course offering our fresh picked produce to all of you who generously support us!
The Farm Markets are in full swing till Saturday November13th. We even occationally have free food demo’s using the markets local products!! You can find our organic veggies at these locations
Thursdays: Our Farm Stand on Route 66 North (across from Mary’s Tasty land) – Hours 3-6pm
(after October we’ll be set up in our barn 2-5pm)
Saturdays: “All Saints Brewery”, Rt 119 north in Greensburg by the Sheetz- Hours 9am-noon
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